Super JuiceM. J. PadgettJun 29, 20226 min read“Agh!” I woke and sat straight in my tent. I hated the dreams. Who was Rebecca? Who were the faces I saw so vividly whenever I closed my eyes? Want to read more?Subscribe to to keep reading this exclusive post. Subscribe Now
“Agh!” I woke and sat straight in my tent. I hated the dreams. Who was Rebecca? Who were the faces I saw so vividly whenever I closed my eyes? Want to read more?Subscribe to to keep reading this exclusive post. Subscribe Now
A Spark Of RecognitionOne year later… “Walter!” Cecelia opened her arms and gave me a giant hug, happy to see me again. “Where have you been?” “I went on a...
Walter Halsey's Do Over“How are you feeling today, Walter?” the nurse asked, her scrubs bright pink today. She sat the tray of food on the table, and my mouth...