Welcome to our March 2025 mid-month update!
Here's the latest on what's currently posting in the PirateCat portal, and what's to come next...
Currently posting:

Torn Fate is currently posting weekly episodes inside the PirateCat portal!
A new episode posts each Thursday!
This is a very busy season for me with family obligations, so there is a chance I may need to take a break week or two here or there... If I do, I'll post an announcement here on the PirateCat blog! But I'll do my best to keep weekly episodes coming for this story until the story is completely posted!
Coming Soon to PirateCat:
I haven't forgotten about Fate Rising! I am eager to get back to writing and posting episodes to finish out the second Leyward Stones season, but I know that I do not realistically have the bandwidth to be writing both Fate Rising and Torn Fate at the same time, right now.
My plan is to plow ahead writing episodes of Torn Fate until I complete the first draft of that story (which should take a few weeks, if all goes well!), and then once those episodes are in the editing and posting phase, resuming the Fate Rising serial is the next project on my list!
I'll keep you all updated on the progress here in these monthly newsletters, so you know what to expect in the portal.
A non-PirateCat story recommendation!
I am currently running a FREE YA fantasy-mystery serial on my public website/forum. Feel free to hop over and check it out!
If you want to find out more about the story first, you can check out my blog post here!
Why am I posting this particular story free to the public, rather inside PirateCat? Well, to be honest, it's in the hopes of drawing more PirateCat readers! Offering a "reader magnet" is a common tactic for in the book marketing world, and I'm hoping that by offering this story in a public forum, it will open opportunities to connect with the readers who are looking for my type of writing, so I can let them know PirateCat is here!
But I don't want YOU, my loyal PirateCat members, to miss out on this story... so I wanted to make sure you know it's there. I hope you'll check it out!
One more thing:
If you're just checking out our blog for info and you're not yet a Crew Member/paying subscriber, we'd love to have you on board! PirateCat subscriptions are all-you-can-read (instant access to everything that's in our portal), and are only $5/month (or $50/year!). We've got LOTS of clean YA stories already completed in the portal, including full series! Check out our Join page for more info. :)
Happy reading!
Crystal Crawford
PirateCat Publishing owner/operator