Welcome to our February 2025 mid-month update!
Here's the latest on what's currently posting in the PirateCat portal, and what's to come next...
Currently posting:
Torn Fate is back from hiatus, and once again posting weekly episodes inside PirateCat!

Episode 21 went up on February 13, and you can expect a new episode every THURSDAY for the foreseeable future... there's still quite a bit of story to go before this one is done, so I plan to continue posting weekly episodes until it's completed, or until further notice!
Coming Soon to PirateCat:
Once I get enough episodes written ahead of Torn Fate, I'll be turning my attention to writing some more Fate Rising episodes so I can get that one up and running again in PirateCat, as well.
Stay tuned for more info on that in future months!
In the meantime, if you want more content to read, I am getting ready to launch a YA mystery-fantasy on my regular website (this one won't be in PirateCat because it's going to be posted free to read in my forum, for various reasons). Feel free to check that one out, if you want! It will be launching March 3rd on the C. Crawford Writing forum here: https://ccrawfordwriting.com/forum!
One more thing:
If you're just checking out our blog for info and you're not yet a Crew Member/paying subscriber, we'd love to have you on board! PirateCat subscriptions are all-you-can-read (instant access to everything that's in our portal), and are only $5/month (or $50/year!). We've got LOTS of clean YA stories already completed in the portal, including full series! Check out our Join page for more info. :)
Happy reading!
Crystal Crawford
PirateCat Publishing owner/operator